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April Rouse ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director

My Story

Hi! My name is April and I am a SuperStar Director with Scentsy!! 🌟 I joined Scentsy in August 2017 right after completely falling in love with a Warmer & Wax that I had just purchased! Deciding to become a Scentsy consultant was one of THE BEST decisions I've EVER made, it literally has changed my family’s life! 😭❤️ SCENTSY has given me the Opportunity to RETIRE from the business world (yes I have a Bachelor & Master’s degree!).. and now I get to never miss a moment with my family!

I joined just as a hobby for myself, and to make a little extra $ to feed my Disney loving heart (see the problem was I loved Disney, but my wallet did not at the time! 😂). …but it has turned in to so so much more than that! It has turned into a wonderful part of my life that has brought so many new friendships, reconnections with old friendships, earning an income from home while spending time with my little ones, and giving me the FREEDOM to come and go on trips and fun excursions with my kids! ...Oh and the earning free vacations doesn't hurt either! 😍

Did someone say FREE VACATIONS??! Umm YES!
I joined Scentsy 5 years ago and have already earned FIVE incentive Trips.... Yesss that is 5 FREE Vacations!! So if I can do it, YOU can too! 🙌🏻

I've Earned these Free trips so far…

🏝 2019- Marco Island

🚢 2020- Bermuda Cruise (cancelled due to Covid, so I got a $2100 payout 🤑)

🏰 2021- DISNEY FAMILY Trip - I had a choice of Disney or a $4600 payout 🤑 ..Of course if you read further up, you know I picked Disney! 😂 …and took my Family on an Incredible SCENTSY Disney Trip we will never forget!! Literally it was incredible…they shut down 3 of the parks JUST FOR US!! Spoiled on this trip was an understatement! 💜

🚢 2022- Earned an Alaska Cruise for this Summer for TWO! ...But Scentsy graciously offered a Cash Payout.. so I decided to take the $3,000 Payout!

🗽 2023- New York City! ….I had a choice of Los Cabo, Caribbean Cruise, Quebec City, or New York City. I picked NYC.. it’s the first time away from my babies, and it’s always been a bucket list location for me to see— and nothing like seeing it #ScentsyStyle!

And YES, several on my team earn these Free Trips too!!... And so can YOU!!

I have amazing Scentsy teammates that I get constant support from on a daily basis! We help each other succeed and support each other constantly! I would love to help you start your journey... whether it's to have a new hobby for yourself, be able to stay home full-time with your children, earn free vacations.... whatever the reason, I would love to help you reach that goal!

When speaking about travel & income, I'm required to include our income disclosure statement.

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